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Register Your Company or Firm
Start a Company, Annual Compliance &
Tax registration & Filings

A online Startup and Compliance Consultancy Platform

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    Private Limited Company Registration

    Compliance is now simple

    A Private Limited Company is a type of business that is owned by a small group of people. Private Company registration is now simplified. Private Limited Company registration can get your company legally recognized by Government

    ₹ 9500 (All Inclusive)

    Trademark Registration

    Compliance is now simple

    A trademark registration will give an exclusive right to the use of the registered trademark. This implies that the trademark can be entirely used by its owner, or licensed to another party for use in return for payment.

    ₹ 8500 (All Inclusive)

    Proprietorship Firm Registration

    Compliance is now simple

    Proprietorship Firm is a type of enterprise owned and run by single person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity. Great journey start from small beginnings, and that includes your small business

    ₹ 999 (All Inclusive)

    Limited Liability Partnership

    Compliance is now simple

    To operate business activities LLP must be registered under the LLP Act. It gives the benefits of limited liability that protects the member’s personal assets from the liabilities of the business. LLP’s are a separate legal entity to the members

    ₹ 6999 (All Inclusive)

    GST Return Filing

    Compliance is now simple

    If you are registered under GST, filing GST returns is mandatory for you. It is essential tax which is only levied on value addition at each stage of supply of goods and services.

    ₹ 9999 (All Inclusive)

    Annual Compliance of Company

    Compliance is now simple

    Annual compliances are mandatory irrespective of turnover of company. Failure of annual compliance attract penalty on director as well as company, in case of continuous failure leads to Disqualification of Director or removal of companies name from ROC.

    ₹ 9999 (All Inclusive)

    Want To Register Private Company?
    We made Accounting, Registration, Compliances and Consultancy

    Company Suggestion is India’s best online service provider that helps the people to start and grow their business easily within the minimum period of time and at reasonable cost. Our expert team helps in providing best advice in the matters related to formation of company, mandatory compliances of companies, GST, Income Tax matters, Intellectual property matters, accounting and company law related matters. We encountered proficient staff, 100 or more corporate firms served by us. We assure that every compliances affirmed by our best proficient team within least possible time.

    Our aim is to help the entrepreneur to deal regulatory or legal requirements. We assure that our team will support our clients on every stage of the lifecycle of business. Our team helps to resolve the grievances of clients on every business related matter.

    Are you looking for Online Legal Services? You are in the Right Place

    GST, Income Tax, Accounting, Company Compliance, Trademark & Copyright

    Start a Business

    Company Suggestion is India’s best service provider. Talk to our panel of expert and get help with everything from registering a proprietorship firm, partnership firm, LLP and company.

    Tax Compliances

    Company Suggestion is India’s best service provider that provide entire range of tax registration and compliance services such as GST Registration and GST Returns, Income Tax Return, TDS Return.

    Trademark & Copyright

    Company Suggestion serves our client from starts to end registration of trademark, maintenance of protection intellectual property asset. We also help our client with trademark objection.

    Mandatory Compliances

    Company Suggestion helps our clients to fulfil their legal and regulatory compliance under companies act, 2013 and Income Tax Act, 1961 before due date.

    Choose Experience Consultant
    Tax & Compliance Experts

    Company suggestion provide compliances of all taxes from introductory stage to annual compliance of various laws and regulation. We have experts from various field in our team, having ample experience in their field.

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    Unique Digital experiences
    GST Registration & Filing Experts

    Company Suggestion provides nurture their client with the whole range of GST related services from registration to return. You can effortlessly create invoices track expenses, E-Way Bill, manage inventory and file GST returns. We have a dedicated team that handle GST compliances. Interact with our team for GST related counseling.

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    Why Choose Company Suggestion
    • 24/7 Customer Support To Assist You Pan India
    • Get Keen, Friendly, And Knowledgeable Support All Times
    • A Network Of 50+ Professionals Ready To Help You
    • 6,00+ happy customers since inception
    • Get Real Time Updates With Company Suggestion
    • Confidentiality

    • CA/CS Assisted

    • Lowest Fees

    • Easy EMIs

    • Money Back Guarantee

    • Assured Satisfaction

    • Transparent Pricing

    • Enduring Business Relations

    • e-XPRESS Services


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    Our team helps to resolve the grievances of clients on every business related matter.

    Why customers like us.

    Since 2013, Company Suggestion has been one of the frequently used solution for businesses and entrepreneurs looking for chartered accountants and company secretary. We have been ensuring start-ups are fully abide by India’s legal system. The magnitude of our offerings affordable prices and customer satisfactions has made us the largest online facilitator of legal services in India. We have already served over 2000 customers and currently registering 50 companies every month.


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    Registering your company online under the right business structure is an important decision. Find out the products or services from Company Suggestion Online Market to give the right business structure to your organisation or startup new business.