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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the concept that businesses have a...
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Corporate Governance
Introduction Corporate Governance is a system which involves the building of a set of relationships...
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All About Successful Entrepreneur
Introduction An entrepreneur is an individual who starts a new business, bearing most of the risks...
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Due dates of filing Income Tax Return (ITR)
Due dates of filing Income Tax Return (ITR)
Introduction Income Tax Law of India is governed by the Government of India by enacting...
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What is Repo and Reverse Repo rate-companysuggestion
What is Repo and Reverse Repo rate?
What is Repo and Reverse repo rate? Repo rate is a rate at which Reserve...
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What is Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)-companysuggestion
What is Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?
Introduction A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal contract that express certain information to be...
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All about Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)-companysuggestion
All about Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Introduction A Memorandum of Understanding or MOU is a non-binding agreement between two or more...
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Intellectual property rights for social media
Intellectual property rights for Social media
Introduction Social media comes with a bundle of tools that differentiate it from traditional print...
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All about Import Export Code (IEC)
All about Import Export Code (IEC)
Introduction All about Import Export Code (IEC) : Import Export Code (also known as IE...
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Understanding various types of venture capital funding
Understanding Various Types Of Venture Capital Funding
INTRODUCTION Investment funds that help investors seeking private equities in startups, small, and mid- sized...
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