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Co-working space for your sole-proprietorship Business

Any person who want to run a small business, sole -proprietorship is the best option. Sole-proprietorship business needs more efforts, hard work, resources. But every person doesn’t have proper resources to run a business. Because to have own commercial space lots of money to be invested by company. So co-working space for your sole-proprietorship business is the best option to run business properly without investing lots of money.

A co-working space is a type of business service that involves several workers from different companies working independently and collaboratively in a shared office space with same infrastructure, same equipment, same utilities.

Followings are the different ways to leverage co-working space for your sole-proprietorship business : –


Small scale business want to grow faster and faster but this is only happened when their business is popular and get work from whole city. To get work from all city location of office is so important. To get work from whole city office location is central part of city. But this location is not affordable for all small-scale business like sole-proprietorship. Co-working space is the best option because cost of central office location divided by all different class of persons.


Co-working space means working in one space by different type of workers from different type of companies. If group of persons working in a common space than they also used same infrastructure, equipment and utilities. These all facilities are so expensive and bear by sole -proprietor is so difficult but in co-worker space all the expenses bear by all space bearer. So, it is easy to used these facilities. Co-worker space just like roommates. Following are the examples of facilities commonly bear by all: –

A. Internet facility

B. Expensive furniture

C. Projector

D. Conference Room

E. Gaming Zone


Sole-proprietorship is a small-scale business type and not have all the facilities which todays worker wants to work with. Co-working spaces, on the other hand, provide a very community-centric, friendly and collaborative environment, one that encourages interaction and socialising. This, in turn, fosters productivity and provides a certain level of work-life balance, something that small businesses like sole proprietorships generally miss out on.


Environment of a company office affects the employee’s efficiency and effectiveness. Following a fixed daily work routine often becomes boring. Boring work culture never enhance productivity and reduce the quality of work brings negativity in the minds of staff members. Ultimately, this kind of work culture may affect the growth of the business. So, working at a co-working space helps by giving an opportunity to the staff members of one business to interact with that of the other. This gives them a break, they discuss their thoughts with each other, get new ideas of working and implement those ideas to suit their business needs. Also, because of the competitive environment, they feel motivated and this increases their productivity. Co-working space provides an opportunity for all the co-workers from different fields to stay positive and guide each other.


Working in a co-working business environment increase connections. Co-working space means where different business class persons are working under common roof. Sometimes one person’s business relates with other persons business and for that connections make by workers. These connections increase business opportunities and liquidity.


If different persons working collectively than investment cost in equipment’s are very low. The advantage of co-working spaces does not stop at the rent and office supplies. Interior design is generally a very pricey affair, considering you want your workspace to have a unique blend of professionalism as well as an attractive, creative space which is relatively modern and artisan, an area where people are motivated to work efficiently. Co-working spaces offer small businesses also the best of both worlds.

CS Seema Bansal

CS Seema Bansal having experience of two years under CS firm and also having degree of B. Com and M. Com. Having expert knowledge of ROC related work and other company related compliances with MCA.

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