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Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

The FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) is established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. It was created under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, to ensure food safety and regulate the manufacturing, storage, distribution, sale, and import of food items in India. The main objective of FSSAI is to protect and promote public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.

Key features of the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA) include:

  • The FSSA sets standards for various aspects of food, including its composition, quality, safety, and labelling. These standards are based on scientific principles and are intended to protect the health and interests of consumers.
  • The FSSA requires all food businesses to obtain either a license or registration from the FSSAI, depending on the size and nature of the business. This includes manufacturers, processors, distributors, retailers, and importers of food products.
  • The FSSAI has the authority to inspect and audit food businesses to ensure compliance with food safety standards. Inspections can be conducted at any stage of the food supply chain, from raw material sourcing to manufacturing, storage, and distribution.
  • The FSSAI has the power to take enforcement actions against non-compliant food businesses. These actions may include penalties, fines, suspension or cancellation of licenses, and even prosecution in severe cases of food adulteration or unsafe practices.
  • The FSSA empowers the FSSAI to order the recall or withdrawal of food products from the market if they are found to be unsafe for consumption or do not meet the required standards.
  • The FSSAI is responsible for promoting consumer awareness and education regarding food safety and standards. They provide information to the public about safe food handling practices and empower consumers to make informed choices.


FSSAI stands for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. It is an autonomous regulatory body established under the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA) of 2006, to keep an on the ever – increasing problem of food adulteration and mixing of additives since the food industry began to play a significant   role in the economy. The FSSAI is responsible for formulating and enforcing food safety and standards in India to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for consumption.

The primary objectives of the FSSAI include:

  • The FSSAI lays down scientific and safety standards for food products in accordance with international practices. These standards cover various aspects such as composition, quality, labelling, packaging, and safety.
  • The FSSAI mandates that all food businesses, including manufacturers, processors, distributors, retailers, and importers, obtain licenses or registrations from the authority. This helps ensure that food businesses operate in compliance with the prescribed standards.
  • The FSSAI conducts regular inspections and audits of food businesses to verify their compliance with food safety standards. This includes inspecting manufacturing facilities, storage areas, transportation practices, and labelling accuracy.
  • The FSSAI is committed to safeguarding consumer interests and ensuring the availability of safe and wholesome food. It establishes mechanisms for addressing consumer complaints and takes necessary actions against food businesses that violate safety regulations.
  • The FSSAI undertakes initiatives to promote awareness and education regarding food safety among consumers, food businesses, and other stakeholders. It conducts training programs, campaigns, and disseminates information to enhance understanding and implementation of food safety practices.

FSSAI performs several functions to ensure the safety and quality of food in India. Here are some of its key functions:

  • FSSAI is responsible for establishing scientific standards for food products, including their composition, ingredients, and additives. These standards help ensure the safety and quality of food consumed in India.
  • FSSAI mandates the licensing and registration of food businesses operating in India. It sets the guidelines and procedures for obtaining licenses, and monitors compliance with food safety regulations.
  • FSSAI conducts regular surveillance and monitoring of food products available in the market to identify potential risks and ensure compliance with food safety standards.
  • FSSAI promotes and facilitates food testing and research activities in collaboration with laboratories and research institutions.
  • FSSAI plays an active role in creating awareness among consumers about food safety and nutrition. It educates the public through various initiatives, campaigns, and information dissemination channels to promote healthy and safe food choices.
  • FSSAI conducts training programs and capacity-building initiatives for food businesses, regulators, and other stakeholders. These efforts aim to enhance their understanding of food safety practices, standards, and regulations.
  • FSSAI regulates the import and export of food products to ensure compliance with safety standards. It establishes guidelines and procedures for clearance of imported food items and promotes the adoption of international best practices in food safety.
  • FSSAI establishes protocols and procedures for the recall of unsafe food products from the market.
  • FSSAI has the authority to enforce food safety regulations and take appropriate action against non-compliant food businesses
  • FSSAI collaborates with national and international organizations, industry associations, and other stakeholders to strengthen food safety measures.

Process of acquiring FSSAI registration

  • it can be initiated by submitting from A to the food and safety department.
  • Application can be accepted or rejected by the department within a week from the application date receipt, and rejection should be intimated to the applicant in writing.
  • If accepted, then a registration certificate will be generated with the registration number and applicant’s photos
  • FBO should display the registration certificate at the place of business during business hours.

Here are some key advantages of having an FSSAI food license:

  • The FSSAI food license ensures that your food business operates in compliance with the legal requirements and regulations set by the authority.
  • Holding an FSSAI food license enhances consumer trust and confidence in your food products or services. It assures customers that your business follows recognized food safety practices and offers safe and high-quality food.
  •  Having an FSSAI food license can significantly improve your brand reputation. It signifies that your business is committed to quality and safety, which can attract more customers and enhance your credibility in the market.
  •  In many cases, a valid FSSAI food license is a prerequisite for selling food products in various markets, such as retail chains, e-commerce platforms, and export markets.
  •  If you plan to expand your food business in the future, an FSSAI food license simplifies the process.
  • FSSAI provides a platform for consumers to register complaints against food businesses. By having an FSSAI food license, you gain access to the complaint handling mechanism of the authority, allowing you to address consumer grievances in a systematic and transparent manner.
  • FSSAI offers training programs, guidance, and support to food businesses. As a license holder, you can benefit from these resources, which help improve your understanding of food safety practices, quality control, labelling requirements, and other aspects of the industry.
  • FSSAI food license aligns with international food safety standards, making it easier for your business to participate in global trade.
  • Holding an FSSAI food license can give you a competitive edge over businesses that do not have the license. It showcases your commitment to food safety, quality, and consumer satisfaction, which can attract more customers and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace.
  •  FSSAI regularly updates its regulations and standards to align with international best practices. As an FSSAI food license holder, you receive updates and notifications regarding any changes or developments in food safety regulations, allowing you to stay informed and adapt your business practices accordingly.

Obtaining an FSSAI food license provides several benefits for food businesses. Here are some key advantages:

  • The FSSAI food license It helps in avoid legal issues, penalties, and potential closures due to non-compliance.
  • Holding an FSSAI food license assures them that your business follows the necessary food safety practices and guidelines, ensuring the quality and safety of the food they consume.
  • Having an FSSAI food license enhances your business credibility and reputation. It demonstrates your commitment to maintaining food safety standards, which can attract more customers, leading to increased business opportunities.
  • Many establishments, such as retail chains, supermarkets, and online food delivery platforms. Obtaining the license grants you access to these markets, expanding your customer reach and potential sales.
  • If you plan to expand your food business, an FSSAI food license streamlines the process. It enables you to open new outlets or branches, enter new markets, and seek funding or investment opportunities more easily.
  • An FSSAI food license is often a prerequisite for exporting food products. It demonstrates that your products meet the required quality and safety standards, making it easier to enter international markets and comply with import regulations of other countries.
  • FSSAI provides a platform for consumers to file complaints against food businesses. As an FSSAI license holder, you have access to this complaint handling mechanism, allowing you to address consumer grievances promptly and transparently.
  • FSSAI offers training programs, workshops, and guidance materials to food businesses. These resources help you improve your understanding of food safety practices, hygiene standards, labelling requirements, and other important aspects of the industry.

The penalty for non-compliance with FSSAI regulations can vary depending on the nature and severity of the violation.

  • FSSAI can issue administrative penalties, which may include fines, warnings, or suspension of licenses, depending on the violation.
  • FSSAI can initiate legal proceedings against food businesses for serious violations or repeated non-compliance. This may involve filing a complaint in court, leading to criminal charges, fines, or imprisonment, as determined by the legal system.
  • FSSAI may issue improvement notices, directing food businesses to rectify specific deficiencies or shortcomings within a given timeframe.
  • FSSAI has the power to publish details of non-compliant food businesses, including their names, violations, and penalties imposed.

If you have any doubt regarding Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, then you can send your doubts on company suggestion and our team of experts will guide you.

CS Seema Bansal

CS Seema Bansal having experience of two years under CS firm and also having degree of B. Com and M. Com. Having expert knowledge of ROC related work and other company related compliances with MCA.

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