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How to register copyright in India?

How to register copyright in India

How to register copyright in India?

To register copyright in India, you can follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Application: Complete the copyright application form, which is available on the official website of the Copyright Office of India (http://copyright.gov.in). The application form varies depending on the type of work you want to register, such as literary, artistic, musical, or cinematograph works.
  2. Supporting Documents: Gather the necessary supporting documents to accompany your application. This may include the following:
  • For literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic works: Provide three copies of the work.
    • For cinematograph films: Submit two copies of the film in the specified format.For sound recordings: Provide two copies of the recording.
    • For computer software: Submit the first 10 and last 10 pages of the source code in printout form.

Note: If the work has been published, you will also need to submit two copies of the publication.

  • Fee Payment: Pay the requisite fee for copyright registration. The fee amount depends on the type of work and is subject to change, so it’s advisable to check the current fee structure on the official Copyright Office website.
  • Sending the Application: Send the completed application form, along with the supporting documents and fee payment, either by post or in person, to the Copyright Office. The address for submitting the application is available on the Copyright Office website.
  • Acknowledgment and Diary Number: After receiving your application, the Copyright Office will issue an acknowledgment and a diary number. This serves as proof of submission and allows you to track the status of your application.
  • Examination and Objections: The Copyright Office will examine your application to ensure that it meets the requirements. If there are any objections or discrepancies, you may be asked to provide additional information or make corrections.
  • Registration Certificate: Once your application is approved, and no objections remain, the Copyright Office will issue a registration certificate for your copyrighted work. This certificate acts as official evidence of your copyright ownership.

What is copyright protection?

These exclusive rights typically include the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works based on the original creation. It is a form of intellectual property right that ensures the creators have control over how their work is used and allows them to financially benefit from its use. Copyright protection covers a wide range of creative works, including but not limited to:

  1. Literary works: Books, poems, articles, and other written content.
  2. Artistic works: Paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other visual arts.
  3. Musical works: Songs, compositions, and melodies.
  4. Dramatic works: Plays, scripts, and screenplays.
  5. Cinematographic works: Films, movies, and documentaries.
  6. Computer programs: Software and code.

Benefits of the copyright registration process

  1. Legal Proof of Ownership: Copyright registration provides a tangible and official record of your ownership of the creative work. In case of any dispute or infringement claims, having a registered copyright strengthens your legal position. It serves as concrete evidence that you are the original creator and the rightful owner of the work.
  2. Exclusive Rights: Registering a copyright grants the creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works based on the original creation. These exclusive rights allow the copyright holder to control how their work is used, preventing others from using it without permission.
  3. Licensing Opportunities: Copyright owners can license their works to others for specific uses or periods. Licensing agreements enable the owner to earn royalties or other compensation for granting permission to others to use their copyrighted material. This can be a significant source of revenue, especially for creators in industries like music, film, literature, and software.
  4. Enforcement Options: Registering a copyright makes it easier to enforce your rights in case of infringement. In many jurisdictions, you can only file a lawsuit for copyright infringement if your work is registered with the appropriate copyright office. Additionally, copyright registration allows you to seek statutory damages and attorney’s fees in successful infringement cases, which can serve as a strong deterrent to potential infringers.
  5. Protection against Copycats: Copyright registration acts as a deterrent against potential infringers, as it provides public notice of your ownership. This can discourage others from using your work without permission or attempting to pass it off as their own.
  6. International Protection: If you plan to distribute or license your work internationally, copyright registration in your country may be required to avail copyright protection in other countries. Many countries have reciprocal agreements that honor each other’s copyright laws, making it easier to enforce copyright globally.
  7. Preserves Rights during Transfer: In cases where the creator sells or transfers their copyright to another party, registration ensures that the new copyright holder retains the same legal protection and benefits associated with the original copyright.


Copyright protection grants a bundle of rights to the creators of original works. This means that multiple individuals, such as composers, lyricists, singers, and other contributors, may have their own set of rights over a single work. This complexity can lead to potential issues during the release and use of the work. Therefore, it becomes crucial for creators to undergo the copyright registration process and obtain a registered certificate to safeguard their rights.

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